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weekly maker / joinery

i’m back with the next installment of our weekly maker series {i skipped a week, sorry!} and today i’m introducing you to joinery, which is another company i stumbled on after falling down the instagram rabbit hole and i’m so glad i did!

in their own words…”joinery is a place where all kinds of good things come together. it’s a collage of whimsy and restraint, an ode to vintage and a nod to experimentation, a mixture of the familiar with the exotic.” joinery started as a storefront in brooklyn in 2012 and eventually went 100% online with a focus on production of handmade textiles woven in their studio in brazil.

but it’s not just their textiles! how good is that basket above? and stunning walnut bench?! and i must say that for handcrafted items, the pricing is surprisingly affordable {plus some items are on sale right now}.

i just LOVE the look and feel of both their products and their website. the photography is utterly dreamy and earthy and really makes me want to buy everything. i love me some color but joinery truly nails the neutral game. i’ve rounded up some favorites below!

be sure to check them out on instagram!

ps. are you liking these maker features?


mStarr design is an interdisciplinary studio providing bespoke interior decorating & content creation services, and handmade interior accessoriesAt the core of who we are is a belief that small details and curated moments matter.


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